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Twitter for Android

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Develop your social network and follow current trends. Tweet, film, film or just move the Twitter line to stay on top of what's going on, whether it's social media or news from around the world.

Twitter is your favorite social media app. And there are new ways of communicating what is going on in the world, directly from the stories of influential people who influence your daily life.

Learn about the top business topics in the media or find leaders in the areas that interest you. Whether she's interested in everything from celebrity tweets to politics, news, soccer or soccer, you can speak directly with influencers or your friends. Every voice can influence the world.

Track your interests. ، Tweet, share, tweet, reply, share or like tweets: Twitter is the premier social media app for the latest news and updates.

Trending headlines are brewing for a new kind of media. Find hashtags and business topics to stay informed. Follow tweets of your favorite impressions with hundreds of interesting Twitter users and briefly read their content.

Share your comments Add your social network with links, photos and videos present. Send text messages to friends or reply in a discussion thread. Whether you're speaking privately or going viral, your voice matters.

Visiting Twitter will allow you to find interesting people or follow people who are interested in you. In addition to chatting with friends, Twitter allows inspiring people to connect personally with their fans. Speak directly with the people involved; you might be surprised how many people react.

profile Create your profile:

* Edit your profile, add photo, description, location and background image

* Publish visual content

* Use hashtags in your tweets #

* Create followers from Twitter

What's the trend?

Check out the latest news and the most popular courses. Watch live media headlines, tweets, and videos to stay up to date. If you're interested in sporting events, pop culture memes, or politics, Twitter is your source for information.

Join the community

Go beyond what you know. You can use social networks to expand your social network. Find friends who have their own mind or find interests you didn't know you had. Be aware of the topics that are important to you, whether your interests are general or specialized. You can split the material or become a fly on the wall. However, every time you open the app you will discover something new.


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